Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some bull's feaces from me!

So am writing.. currently, having my practical at some village, not very far away from town but kinda less races here, but it's alright with me, can survive the lifestyle here, peoples are quite friendly here only there're some youngsters, you know, teenage life's so fun. Well ignore them and things are just as good as it is! had some work to do, stand by is always a must, just like anything may happen any moment anytime. well, for me it's been some good time and happy time, the sad has passed and now here comes a whole new lots of fun ;) about prejudice folks , there are some but just ignore them *laughs! let's see what comes ahead of me, don't want to know the future, let it surprise me like it always do cause i love surprises! it makes me smile ;) and a smile can mean a lot to me. There are some errands going on around, kinda stress me out, but i hope i can turn out into something good for me. and so well, last words? just be yourself! and patience! it helps ;) 

adius amigo! p/s kidt

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