Friday, July 13, 2012

Nah...just crabs

Who knew? what life comes ahead of us... I would like to know, but no! life isn't made that way, if it wouldn't be a surprise for what gonna come for us anymore! so the best i could think of now is the present. if you can't cherish today, make full use of today..make things happen today... please dont think of tomorrow...tomorrow is what we call hope! Hope for what we have done so much today that there's still hope tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I was given an opportunity, i am using it. but does others know? that's why we walk in so many roads given, i'll do mine and you'll do, you tried, but unfortunately things don't go your way today, HEY! there's tomorrow ! it's called HOPE! but for the ones who always depend on tomorrow, you will so regret you din't do it now. dont always think of tomorrow! do it now! cause it's what create hope for tomorrow. Run like the wind! Soar like the dragon! and leave every piece of regret behind! cause you wont be using regret as an excuse when you know there's always today to make things better so that there's always hope for tomorrow :)
P/s kitt. the one saved by Rock n Roll!

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