Saturday, May 29, 2010


a day with hope goes a day away~
a light to shines come and flown away~
light light liight up my daily day.
haha. talk some crab and craps. = =
exam is just around the corner. help* so, study is what i'll be doing after this. =)
wahahaha! i'm evil. sweeet isnt it. my seni teacher, from left cikgu ayob , from right, cikgu hashim!
this is when the were young! huhu~ what a wonderfulll picture? haha. cikgu ayob doesnt have beard now. look at those beard and mustache !! cool. look like one of those singer in beegees. =), next cikgu hashim~ haha. in his current figure now, he has gain a few kilos~ =). those kilos is what he has collected after umpteen years, it's so called KNOWLEDGE! =) nice right! haha

 yes, i am bad. LOL. mr zellow~ =) just love his way of enjoying life. =). if you want to sleep, sleep and ENJOY IT! YES HE DO!! coool!

okay, next a beautiful sunset~ =), it looks like a hmmm. how should i describe it? dragon? lol. who cares. any way, it's just brilliantly nice. nature rawks!
alrighty then. =), michellin's cute gift.'s a pendrive for your notice. that lil bug with the two big eyes is just an additional decoration. haha..

seee. how nice~ nice stuffs. =)

okay . this is found in MY garden. haha. the name of this flower is i think so *aracis buntoi* some thing like that. LOL. it blooms in the morning~ with cute lil yellow buds. =) sweet isnt it. just bright up my morning when i see it blooms , by the way, the chickens my aunt rare love to eat them. ==, so it'll be gone about 8 am smth. ==, demolished by fat fat chickens. haha. but it will still grow back the next morning! =). that's why i love it. NICE STUFFS. another nature's beauty~

hello there mr ken~ the girl who is trying to tie his hair is jing wen~ =) on last thursday 27 may~ ken ken was bery the itchy. ==, said his hair can tie. so itchy lor. LOL. and so his wish was fulfilled. nice!

muahahahaha!!! and now comes the CLIMAX! the one that makes the day bright today! TAADAA~ the one of the most loving couple in sdbl. haha. well well welll, went to *cha fang* today. WTH, not very good place to hang out, love the environment, the decoration but, *sighs. there is charge for sitting after more than two hours. = =. so went to MK after ah lil while in there. =)

seee, how sweeet they are.=), love is really miracle. =). from strangers to friends to better friendss to couples~ hope they can live their live with happiness all around them, always~ =)
AHHAA!!! yes yes, about the climax thing. haha, they accidentally had their FIRST KISS at MK, 29 05 2010, at 5 pm!!! wuhuuu~ what a wonderfull day~ i see three's are green~ red roses tooo~ i see them TWO for me and you. HAHA. =) nice rite~ =)
actually is just an accident , haha. they we were playing french fries. 0 . o. i feed you, you feed me, he feed her, she feed him, and goes around and round and round the merry go round. and TAADAA, suddenly she feed her, but he tried to eat , and they two tried to eat, andso, TER muaks, and so, LAUGHTERS of joy were burst out! haha. wings appeared in tong's back. nice!to see them grow,, to see how their relation grow. it's just nice. life's so wonderfull~

okay then, i guess this is for today~ =), have a GREAT AWESOME day~ bless you all,
love ya ~ =B. treasure what i have~

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