Monday, May 10, 2010


and i almossttttt had...
yes i would you wish u woulda.....
i almost wrote something about you today, but i tear it all over and i threw it away!!!!
as usual, another day has passed. =(
whyy whyyy whyyy~ always wonder in my mind.
i dun wish to ...... what i've done, i hope it's not very wrong or very right~
just may help or destroy what i like or dont! ROARRR!
well, i do believe lliving in SINS is a new thing...
but just try to reduce it to the least~
what a stupid thing to say? but who knows. this world need all sort of peoples to make up. FTW la..
so blah blah blah blah blah black sheep!
if i can live life. guess what? dont wish to live as the glamourous( who dont want) haha.! wish to work for what i want! YES, but sometimes la. haha. who dont want glamourous. = = first class drinking the finest champagne, haihs
fuck everything la...but . *sighs. always end up with a *sighs.
*SIGHSS ARRRR, i hate hate hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. = =,
just let it goo~ dont wish to make things go worst, so just take the pain.
=(. silence is a very pain tooo~ rain!!!

just another day~ kitt

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