Friday, April 22, 2011

time to put on the FIRE!

Oh my myy...
how has things changed, when i looked back, it's all been great memories, ahh yes, i appreciate every one of them. that's the me now, haha. well, after some time of calming my mind, i stand up and walk again. there're some friends who are struggling in life now, thinking every possibilities whatever they can but it's just that some things aren't meant to be and it's not easy to change the fact. give up? that doesn't sound good ,so in a simple way, they called it let it go... happiness? sadness? it's all in our hand..but we're fooled by our heart sometimes.. how many could understand the process of being mature? i want to know!'s still young! i want to LIVE! the Rock & Roll way
and say hello to my little friend....0 0..big like my thumb! enter my room without permission, lucky it was a friendly one =) gorgeous!

any last word? oh yes! be strong my friend! VERY!

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