Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the day before the return 2

 well, it's PACKING TIME! and time to leave! haha the flight's on 6.50pm so, had to wakey up early to make sure things are all SET and ready to go! xD wanna thanks my fatty roomate LESLIE for helping me out =] trima kasih baybeh! haha

well, memories ~ thank you~ see you next sem! =] i'll miss this picture xD the cat and the lil fish haha

haha, one thing i wont forget! MY SHOESSS!!!!! i brought them all back hahahahaha =] you aint leaving my side! no! haha

soo this is my cute roomate leslie =] a very NAUGHTY BOY too LMAO!
they accompany me that day, brought me to go wash my eyes LOL = =
 and SAI the boy who came from HELL!!!! haha, he only listen to sentimental music( if you know what i mean) haha LEPROSY rules !!!!
and so the next flight was mine, bye~ =] see ya guys in SEM 2! F O! =]

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