Sunday, March 14, 2010

thrillllll me!

lazy LAZY LAZYYY lazyy
haiss, i need to changeee! stpm this year! please, let me be more hardworking, PRECISELY!
friends! help me out! i'm weak in studies! help me, i need your helps! =)
please motivate me! make me have the spirit to make studying like a hobby! something that makes you feel good when you do it! just how? i need to be thrilled to study! i am not the memorize type so things last for a while when it's fresh and rots after not used,....huush, how can i make studying like a game! something that we purposely remember so that the mind will automatic remember it like facts? i need supports! not MORAL supports but supports on how to improve my mind..hmmmm, still thinking on a way, tried a few ways, but the feelings only last for ah while and vanish the next day....what can i do to have the will buried inside of me! THRILL ME! maybe i need stress? maybe i need a rival?? maybe i need you?? maybe i need to fail and then get back up??? please realize before it's too late....GAME OVER.
and put that smile on your face always !!!

Happiness is worthless in money, but precious in life.


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