Thursday, November 19, 2009

oNe dAy

oNe dAy, we will grow up!
oNe dAy, sometimes never come!
oNe dAy, is just another day!
oNe dAy, maybe too late!
oNe dAy, the time will come!
oNe dAy, is the future!
oNe dAy, will that day come!
oNe dAy, it's just an ordinary day!
oNe dAy, will it still shines!
oNe dAy, why must it be?
oNe dAy, will you be happy!
oNe dAY, will you still see me?
oNe dAy, shall be too late!
oNe dAy, we'll just disappear.
oNe dAy, will you be there for me?
oNe dAy, may be an overwhelming day!
oNe dAy, is it a bright day?
oNe dAy, will it be that day?
oNe dAy, will i still remember you?
oNe dAy, i wont be around!
oNe dAy, will i be brave?
oNe dAy, it's too late!

so wHy oNe dAy.....
dAy's pass, time fLies! moMenTs ends. forever dies!
no shall i be regreting every single day , weekday!(party everyday!) haha
please shine and cHoosE thE rIghT pLace to sHinE,( if a drop of water drops in the sea, it's a place you'll never see! but if a drop of water fell on a yam leaf, it will shine like you'll be!) pRoblEms is a must...
cry is a must! love is a must! hurt is a must!
experience evEry single moMent and aPpreciaTe evEry singLE moMenT no matteR how hArd it gets in your way! shall this is LIFE! and that one day shall arrive!

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